

New Member
I received a bubble tip anemone a couple of days ago and I am worried about it. I noticed that the base of it has grown darker from when I recieved it. When I put it in the tank it moved several times and now it has been in the same spot for a day or so. I cannot tell if it is still alive or not. My clown fish are not going to it or associating with it really. I noticed some green coloring inside it and I didn't know if that meant it was dead or not.


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank and he is kind of in the middle of both of my hoods. I have regular flourescent lights because I have not had a chance to get something else. I had my water tested before I got the shipment and will possibly get it retested tonight.


Anemones need pretty strong lighting. If he stopped between the two lights then he seems to be trying to get the most of both. (Of course, I have no idea what an anemone is thinking! Just speculating here.) Anyway, they do need strong lighting. And you may not have enough!


New Member
I bought some new lights last night and I talked to people at my LFS and they said that she might actually be trying to get away from the lights because the rays were not the right kind. So today we will see how the new lights work and I also bought some food for her. I know she is still alive because I have seen her moving some (very little but it is a sign). Thank you


New Member
I got new lights for my anemone. They are called Marine-Glo and are very blue. I know she is still alive because she has now moved to the back of the castle I have in there and I had to get a mirror to actually find her. I am wondering now if she is hiding from these lights but the person I talked to said that they were good for invertebrates.


Active Member
i've used many different types of lights, regular flu, VHO, MH, HQI, with different light intensity, etc, etc, my experience is that bulb anemones will always run around. it might stay in one place for a period of time, seemingly settles down, then the next thing you know it's on the move again.
you have to help them by turning whichever rock they are on so they receive some light.