Originally Posted by usinkit
in the acclimation guide on this site it says you can either drip or temp but if i drip it doesnt say for how long. once the anemone is acclimated do you place it where you wont it or just put him on the bottom and let it find its own suitable place? thanks for your answers.
As far as acclimating an anemone I would temp acclimate for at least 20 minutes, then setup the drip for about an hour, more if you like. Then it should be ok to add, true some folks just temp acclimate and the dump, but I prefer temp and drip myself. IMO the anemone will continue to acclimate itself over the next two weeks to your water conditions.
Placement of the anemone depends on what type you have. Sand dwelling anemone should be placed in the front of the tank on the sand bed, then it will decide where to move. Rock dwelling anemones should be placed on the rocks away from intakes of power heads or filters, then it will decide where to move from there.
I would try to place either in a calmer spot in the tank so they don't wind up as tumble weeds for the first 24-48 hours.