I really don't understand that last statement about PC not being able to sustain a BTA. They have survived quite well under PC and VHO as well as MH lighting or combos of each. If you have enough lighting they will do just fine. I disagree that it is a death sentence if only using PC lighting. Many members here have done just fine with PC lighting and BTA's. The high death rate is usually something else entirely. I've helped many folks here with PC lighting and bubble tip anemones, more than I can count. PC lighting is just another form of Fluorescent lighting just like the VHO is. You simply need enough of it for it to be a benefit.
Tanks Alot ~ you will need to figure the depth of your tank vs the type and amount of lighting you have. If possible figure out the PAR or PUR value of the bulbs, this will determine the usable amount of lighting for the corals or anemones that you desire to keep. If keeping a sand dwelling anemone then I'd go with Metal Halide lighting in combination with your PC. MH ligihting has the punch or PAR value to make it all they way to the sandbed with usable light, and most things will survive/thrive best in that type of lighting.
With your current range of lighting I would suggest that you have rockwork above the halfway point in your tank and go with a Bubble tip, so that it can climb to higher light if it chooses.
I've been raising BTA's for just shy of 6 years, I've used VHO with more than 4 wpg, less than 4 wpg and VHO/MH with more than 10 wpg. But I have never used the PC lighting on them. I have seen enough success stories with PC lighting to know that it can and does work fine. It's just not my prefered method of lighting, but its still flouresent lighting similar to VHO.