
tanks alot

i need to know if there is a anemone that can survie i my 125 with 400 watts and the anemone has to be able to have my percua clowns go in it


I am no expert but I know that you need atleast 4 watts per gallon or more. Some need more than 4 watts per gallon. I believe you only have 3.2 watts per gallon. JMO though. Hope that helps


The watts per gallon theory is old and outdated. It depends more on the intensity of the light. What type of light?


Power Compacts? Standard Flourescent? T5? T5HO? VHO?


No, You need more light to house an anemone. PC's are not enough.

reef diver

Active Member
pcs are fine IMO the lfs i go to has been raising anemones for years under pc lights. specifically E. Quadricolor or Bubbletip anemone


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
pcs are fine IMO the lfs i go to has been raising anemones for years under pc lights. specifically E. Quadricolor or Bubbletip anemone
Then your LFS is not very intelligent!
Bubble tipped anemones will survive under PC's for a while. They will not Thrive. It is a slow death sentance. If you care so little about the animal and your money then go ahead. You won't make very many friends in the reef keeping world though.


I really don't understand that last statement about PC not being able to sustain a BTA. They have survived quite well under PC and VHO as well as MH lighting or combos of each. If you have enough lighting they will do just fine. I disagree that it is a death sentence if only using PC lighting. Many members here have done just fine with PC lighting and BTA's. The high death rate is usually something else entirely. I've helped many folks here with PC lighting and bubble tip anemones, more than I can count. PC lighting is just another form of Fluorescent lighting just like the VHO is. You simply need enough of it for it to be a benefit.
Tanks Alot ~ you will need to figure the depth of your tank vs the type and amount of lighting you have. If possible figure out the PAR or PUR value of the bulbs, this will determine the usable amount of lighting for the corals or anemones that you desire to keep. If keeping a sand dwelling anemone then I'd go with Metal Halide lighting in combination with your PC. MH ligihting has the punch or PAR value to make it all they way to the sandbed with usable light, and most things will survive/thrive best in that type of lighting.
With your current range of lighting I would suggest that you have rockwork above the halfway point in your tank and go with a Bubble tip, so that it can climb to higher light if it chooses.
I've been raising BTA's for just shy of 6 years, I've used VHO with more than 4 wpg, less than 4 wpg and VHO/MH with more than 10 wpg. But I have never used the PC lighting on them. I have seen enough success stories with PC lighting to know that it can and does work fine. It's just not my prefered method of lighting, but its still flouresent lighting similar to VHO.


Thomas, You of all people I would not disagree with. You do know your anemones!
I should have been more clear in my answer. On that size tank, That much PC wattage will not allow an anemone to thrive.
You are correct in that they can do fine with PC's......Usually on smaller or Shorter tanks unless there is a LOT of wattage.
Sorry for the confusion I created.


As i have posted before we dont all own power companies and those halides are hot and expensive to run. They are overated to me as anemones have done fine under pc lighting for years. Well said in earlier post by Thomas as i have run out of patience trying to post the explanations of why you dont need 50 billion watts per gallon...and im not flaming just you reeferman as I have seen it alot on these boards.

reef diver

Active Member
YEs only 4-5 watts per gallon is enough, and reefermadn, my lfs has been raising these anemones for 15 years under pc's these particular anemones is where he gets his stock, they split once per month.

reef diver

Active Member
Do u no why the wtts per gallon theory can be correct. The photosynthetic plants/animals, use indvidual light photons in their metabolic processes, the more watts of power, the more photons there are to use. Same with intensity, with intensity, there are more photons per volume of light, and each photon carries more energy. YEs i am a science geek. care to ask anyother questions?


Originally Posted by whitey_028
As i have posted before we dont all own power companies and those halides are hot and expensive to run.
Which brings up a good point. Unless you have an all stony tank you can have those hallides and PC or VHO, and you don't have to run those halides full tilt for 8-10 hours. I have used mine only 4-6 hours per day, and sometimes leave them off for a couple of days. As long as your water is fine, I get plenty of growth with my 440 watts of VHO, and a few hours of halides.