Anemone ?


Active Member
I have a rose and green bubble. Feeding time comes 2x's a week and I have noticied last night the rose is not eating the silversides that I drop in for him. Thanks to a shrimp that was trying to steal the food.
The green no problem.
The chunk I am feeding is 1/2" to 3/4" in size.
I am also feeding krill but I am not sure if he is eating or not since I noticied the issue last night.
ph 8.1
SG 1.026
Temp 80
Trates 5
Trite 0
Amm 0
Cal 390
Alk 7
MH lights are on for 9 hours
PC 11 hours
Anyone have this issue? :thinking:

reef diver

Active Member
I dont have that issue but you should really drop your trates if possible. But also, if the anemone is full, it will not eat, watch for the next few days, or even the next couple weeks. If it shriveles, like really shrivel, and its mouth openes wide, a filmy brown or white gunk, combined with bones an a few scales should float out over a period of a few hours. This is an anemone version of a major dump. How big is the anemone?


Active Member
Sorry my bad.... My trates are 0 and the trites run 0-5. I do water changes every other week 45 gallons and that seems to work.
He is about 9" when open.