

New Member
I have a condi anemone that i got from my lfs about 3 or 4 weeks ago, it was one of the first things i added to the tank along with a rock anemone, I just got my first fishes on thurs (two damsels) one damsel didnt make it and he got pushed over to the condi and he ate it, i didnt care cause he was dead and the other damsel seemed to know to stay away from it, well when i got home this mornin at like 5 the lil fish was still alive but not its 12 and i cant find him anywhere so im thinking my condi ate him, is this normal cause my lfs told me to feed it plankton.


I had a condi eat a small yellow tang. When he got thru with that fish, there wasn't enough meat on the skeleton to give to the hermits. They are mean! Took him back to the store on the live rock he was wedged into. Now I have a nice LTA and a gold stripped maroon and everyone is happy.


Active Member
Condi normally dont have the dexterity or stickiness to grab fish unless the fish is extremely weak or dying to begin with. I have a large condi and hes never bothered any fish.
I have no doubt its possible, but highly unlikely.