

New Member
I have 2 percula clowns. I wanted to buy a carpet anemone, but the store suggested a sebae;that the clowns would go into it.( they did not have carpet) they also said I would not have to feed it. Is this true?. This is my first venture with an anemone. thanks for help.


try searching the posts and you will find a lot of info. Yes, usually people do ffed them one a week or so. The clwons will also drops bits if food into them. How long has your tank been up? I only ask because anemones are pretty hard to keep.


Perculas will host with sebae and carpets. You do have to feed them about 2-3 times a week and have strong lighting as well as good water quality.

algea eater

all the anenomes that ive had my clowns fed,but it didnt stop me feeding them every2-3 days with chopped food(frozen fish)


Active Member
I don't recommend a sebae. I think that there are better choices that are easier to keep. I recommend either a long tentacle or a bubble anenome. My perculas enjoy both of them.


Actually, I've found that sabae's are easier to keep. Just don't get a yellow one. But my perc doesn't go into it and when I had an ocellaris, it didn't go into it either. Get a bubble tip


I have a seabae and it has turned a brownish color. I really don't feed it and it has been doing fine. I just add some Kent microvert 3 times a week for my filter feeders. I tried to feed it early on when it was still white, but it would not eat. The female ocellaris clown would also eat any shrimp I would put on it. Kind of wierd, but it seems to be fine. I have had it 3 months now and it keeps getting darker with purple tips. Anyone have the same thing happen to their seabae?