

New Member
What is the best kind of Anemone to put with my percula clownfish?
Is it safe to put a Sea Horse in with my Clownfish?
Gelly Fish
How mant WATTS of light do i need to have a scccessful 50 Gal Tank?


Active Member
How old is your tank? Anemones do better in established tanks (4-5 months), they need intense lighting and perfect water conditions to live and even then they will not live nearly as long as they should. And no you should not keep clowns with seahorses, the horses need special care and can't live with fish (not very many species anyway), and not with clowns because they can be aggressive feeders and seahorses take a long time to eat and the clowns might pick on them. Seahorses need more care and experience, IMO they should be left to the experts. And jellyfish I have heard should not be kept with fish. Someone else can advise you on that.


Carrie is correct, seahorses and jellyfish especially are out of the question for your clowns. As for anemones and your lighting question, you will need around 4-5 watts/gal to carry most anemones. Water quality should be your main concern, however, as anemones are very delicate creatures. If you are not rather eperienced in reef-keeping, you may want to wait a while on an anemone and go with some mushrooms and such first.