anemone's $70 dinner


My blue spotted jawfish died last night and before I could get him out he was drifting around dead and the clowfish pushed him in my anemone which proceded to eat him whole. It was stupid to buy him since he was kinda sickly looking, but he was just sooooo cool. I just thought you guys might get a kick out of it.


that is a seriously expensive cut of meat!!!!
That is what I call the surf and turf!!!
good luck next time.


I had an experience with a flounder that I purchased when I first started in the hobby. The first thing it did was try to eat a cleaner wrasse. I then quickly fed the flounder and entire shrimp, about 1/2" long. Well by then his stomach was bulging. The flounder immediately went back to get the wrasse and try to eat it. He never made it because back then I did not have all the rock I have now... I got him out within 15 minutes of introducing him to the tank, and took it back to the LFS.
When I bought it I was told "very docile"... I said to the guy..."I will only explain this once, not docile at all"
Without question they took it back, and I've been shopping there ever since...! :D


My long tenticle anemone has eating the following from my tank:
1- Cleaner shrimp ($20)
2- percula Clowns ($30)
2- firefish ($30)
1- Sixline Wrasse ($25)
yeah, it hurts the wallet.

mr . salty

Active Member
I can't remember all the fish my two large carpets have eaten over the past two years,but I'll bet it's over $300 easy.That's just one of the problems with keeping these interesting animals.I still love them...Here's a pic of my green carpet snacking on a LARGE pork puffer...Lesson,never put a poor swimmer in the same tank as a BIG anemone.

rabid frog

Active Member
Doh!! Sounds like you guys just saved me a bunch of $$$ I was going to buy a blue carpet... they said he may eat fish but i didnt realize they thrive on it..... <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Active Member
Looks like some of those anemones are eating better than there owners. There eating fancy expensive seafood dinners while you get hambergers. :D
My condy ate a couple of damsels before I realized how often I should feed him. He is a hungry little guy...eats a piece of cocktail shrimp every other day. No more casualties though!