Anemones and powerheads


Anemones and power heads ? Any one I kept one anemone for a few months he was happy health and big...then it went for a walk thru a k-3. I have not kept one since kinda a waste of money and a god awful smell. But if any one could toss me some advice about them and power heads that would be cool.


Active Member
Try putting some netting around the powerhead. Downside is that it'll clog up if you don't clean it off every so often.


I've been hoping someone could post a picture of how they covered their powerheads. So far I haven't had a problem, but worry constantly about find my anemone in it.


Well-Known Member

Well here you go...I used the black filter pad material from a fluval...cut it to size and sewed it with clear fish line no needle needed, I just fed the line through the filter and tied it off. My LTA did still attach itself but when I turned off the power head it detached and went elsewhere unharmed.
This is a #4 Koralia power head...the filter is coarse enough to allow water to flow uninhibited..It does not clog up...when it looks bad, pull it off shake it in water and put it back on like a sock.