Anemones bleached with summer heat



Well I think teh summer heat has bleached my anemones to almost perfect white.....:(.....This took place over a few days ofcourse. I had little control on the temperatures that would range from 84-88°F. After that incident I am adding ice as make up water to keep the temperatures between 82-85°C. Still on the higher side but still a few notches lower. I am noticing that the anemones are looking a little better. I hope they was nice and dark before....


Active Member
Try freezing some small water bottles or soda bottles with water in them and then placing them in your sump.. might help a little.
Also try to have a fan blow acrossed the top of your water... every little bit will help a lot.


I dont have room for a fan right now....but the make up ice is helping keep the tank cooler. I hope the next few months are not as hot. Next year I will be better prepared though.

sinner's girl

keeping the glass off helps. I noticed that this weekend, I had the glass off as I was doing a water change and cleaning stuff, then I saw the heater on, the tank temp's been 80-82 all summer, with the glass off it went down to 78. But we have a ceiling fan.
I lost my fish last May because of the heat, even with a ceiling fan in the room, the ac would trip out if we put it below like 84, the tank temp were off the thing. I would add bags of ice when I got home everyday...but it wasn't enough.
Good luck, even a small fan would help...maybe you could it on top of half the tank, remove the glass from the other half (if you have two pieces) and point the fan on the water...? Or somehow point the fan on the sump....