Anemones Closed


I have 3 bubble tips and they have been closed for over 2 weeks and have been moving around ever since I replaced my sweeping power head with a new one ( same exact one). They were open ever since I got them about 4 months agoa and even split once. Now I know that they don't like much current or light but I have the powerhead in the same exact location with the same exact water pressure. My nitrate level was reading near 30ppm but has dropped down to about 15ppm after several water changes. All of my other levels are perfect. Can someone explain what is going on? My clown tries to open them up with no luck.


Active Member
I have noticed my sweeping PH's lost there flow over time. A new one most likely has its full flow on, and may be too much for them.....hence them moving. Seems as though they should of found there "spot" and opened after a few days. Are they attached and moving or floating/drifting around?