Anemone's compatibility w/ Nano


New Member
:happyfish I have had my 12 gallon nano for about a year. Currently it contains a valentini puffer, a clarki clown, a strawberry gramma, and snails and hermits. I am interested in purchasing an anemone for my clarki. Does anyone have any recommendations? Will an anemone do fine in my nano? I have little knowledge about anemones so I could really use some advice. Thanx :happyfish


Active Member
what is your lighting? that puffer is going to outgrow that tank. the clarkii will get kinda big too IMO.
some people do have anenomes in nanos, but you just have to make sure you are that much better about whater chemistry. also, i believe all the oens that clarkiis will host can get ralativly big.


New Member
The lights are just standard. I don't know what they are called, but they are not the lights that are necessary for coral. Can an anemone live with regular lights?


Nope you have to have VHO or Metal Halide lights to succesfully raise an anenome. SOme can survive under PC's. Also your bioload for that tank is kind of huge. You might want to either get a bigger tank for them to grow in to or get a couple fish out. Usually one or 2 small ones in a 12 gallon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicolechri
The lights are just standard. I don't know what they are called, but they are not the lights that are necessary for coral. Can an anemone live with regular lights?
no anenomes that are actualy purchased can be put in that lighting. just pest anenomes. most anenomes needs more lighting than a lot of corals, and they still usualy dont live very long.