Anemones in YO REEF!


Anemone owners,
How comfortable are you guys in regards to keeping an anemone in your tank? I've been lucky so far in that my bubble-tip stays put where ever I place it. I know that the presence of the Clarki will also keep it from wandering, but I just can't help but worry that someday it might go for a swim. Have any of you ever lost a hard coral or clam because of a rampant anemone, or is it just bipolar paranoia.
Caring is sharing.


Several years ago, I had a wandering anenome, it was a relatively small one, and it did some traveling, killing every soft coral and mushroom in it's path. I do not remember what kind it was, but never again. I have had other anenomes since with no harm to any of my coral.
It was <u>not</u> a bubble tip...


I have one in my tank that has been in the same place for about 2 years. I recently bought a blue carpet and I thought it'd be pretty in my wifes tank. Well it ended up in my tank and for a while was a beautiful asset to my tank.. I woke up one morning and it was in the middle of my tank up on my corals.. I took him out and now he resides in my wifes tank.. No More in my reef for me,,....


Thanks for the info people. Unfortunately, I still can't decide what to do. I've had it for months and he doesn't move at all. I hope I'm not pushing my luck.


Active Member
I have a rock/flower anemone that is still in it's original spot. Even though I bought it before I "knew better" I'm glad I've got it. Growing bigger all the time and it's very active.
Good Luck on yours staying put!


That's pretty cool. My wife just called and said she found 3 clones in my reef. I may have to get rid of those guys.