Anemones not attatching


New Member
I recently (3 days ago) bought and acclimated two LTAs and added them to my tank. They have both climbed off the rock where I placed them (which was expected) however they are now just sitting side by side on my crushed coral sand bed. This is my first crack at anemones and I am just trying to see if this is healthy for them and if not what should I do. My maroon clown is hosting in them, and they look great just want to ask the experts. thanks for your help.


in my experience with LTAs that they will attach to rock work or in the sand bed or glass with out ill effects. the one I had was wrapped around a rock and attached to the glass around the back side of the rock.
welcome to the board.!!


I am no expert but I have had a LTA for more than a month and and he still hasn't found his spot. Just when it looks like hes settled in poof hes off to another... but it always looks good!


Same I had one for about 2months before he set anchor lol. Its funny watching them move all over the tank.


Lta's prefer sand instead of crushed coral. You also need T5 or MH lighting.
If you are keeping 2 anemones they should be from the same clone or they may sting each other, also your tank should be set up no less than 6 months for anemones. With all this said good luck and welcome to the boards


One more thing, if you have any powerheads be sure you put a sponge or a piece of nylon over it so the roaming anemone don't get sucked into the powerhead.