Anemones or Corals


In a 26 gal BF tank:
I have 2 clowns and i really like how they swim within an anemone but can i really get a carpet or tentacle or should i stay away from an anemone and just put in coral?


New Member
With that small of a tank you may do better with anenome's. Coral need a LOT of light to be sustained and to be happy for the long term. Anenome are much easier to care for and they can be fun to feed. My clowns like the "pink tipped hatian" and the "long tentacled" anenome I have in my tank. GOOD LUCK


Ummm, actually anenemes are not the easiest creature to take care of. They also require a lot of light, like a metal halide or power compact. Some corals are very easy to take care and don't require much light at all. You could have some polyps or mushrooms.
Sometimes clowns won't even host an aneneme, so whats the point of killing something, unless you are going to go all out and set a reef tank.


Get a power compact on your aquarium, and stick some hairy shrooms in there. Sometimes they'll host sometimes they won't, whether or not it's an anemone. I've also had luck with xenia. I had a cinnamon clown that would host in virtually anything that had what resembled tenticles.
Good luck.


If you want an anemone my recommondation would be a tank raised BTA. I have had them for 3 years now, from one it has split into 5 now, under 380 watts of VHO.

elvis a.

Don't get a carpet, they are the more difficult to take care of anemones, they require a lot of light. pristine water conditions, and they grow VERY large... Too large for that aquarium..
As Thomas stated, a Tank-Raised BTA ( bubble-tip anemone ) would be the best choice.. They are hardy anemones, and beautiful at that.. You can even go with a RBTA ( rose bubble-tip anemone ) which are on the expensive side, but very beautiful.. I'd try staying away from an RBTA for now, if this is your first time, you wouldn't want 100 dollars flushing down the drain on you...
You will need to get stronger lighting for both Corals, and Anemones.. IN that small of a tank, I would only add 1 anemone.. Try searching around for some PC lighting, VHO or even MH if you have the money.
Good luck


Active Member
Go with corals until your tank has been setup for quite some time. Anenome's require lost of lighting and great water quality. What type of lighting do you have now?


i have the light that came with teh tank i know that i need a better one but i'm not sure of the different types of light fixtures and the light bulbs to go with it . . .any reccomondations?