anemones stinging each other


i have two anemones that have found each other and have stared stinging each other they are both on a shell, how do i remove one from the shell?


Active Member
You can try directing a powerhead toward one (for a few days, a few hours won't be long enough), you could try changing up your lighting schedule, or try rubbing ice cubes on its foot. You could also break the shell into a few pieces, hoping it would fracture between the two anemones.
If all else fails you could try slowly pealing the foot off the shell.


well i just peeled them off they came off pretty easy, since they were both pretty small, so i just placed them on opposite sides of the tank


Active Member
If they 'find' eachother again, they are more than likely attracting eachother through chemicals and trying to kill one another.


i know they will probubly seek each other out again but this time i know that be for they get on the same piece of anything i will seperate them


Active Member
You are just creating unneeded stress on an already fragile creature. If they find eachother again either get a larger tank or take one back.


if they do find each other again i will put one in my other tank then, but i don't want to if i don't have to


Active Member
I understand, your tank your choice. I was just making the point that if after separating them once, if they find eachother again they are searching eachother out w/ chemicals and they will continue to find eachother out.


oh and can anyone tell what the one that is not the some what bleached green one is, i was told it was a bta but its tenticles dont really bubble like the other one