

New Member
I have two clownfish that are lost without an anemone. I have had three anemones - one carpet and two bulb. My queen angel, purple tang, butterfly and bluechin trigger have picked them to death. Is there a safe anemone for my tank?


Active Member
the only way u mght sucessfully keep an anemonea is by getting rid of the agressive fish....
thats what i had to do is get rid of my dog face puffer i traded him back in at my LFS.... in order to have certain creatures u have to have other ones that are of the same temperment


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If you don't want to get rid of those fish then you may have to consider a plastic anemone, I know they make them, or perhpas some other surragate coral that they may host in. Some of those fish you have will only look at anemones as food.