anemonie died tried to take me with it


oh gosh I did water changes and all the get your tank healthy stuff was showing c contractor my favorite fish and all looke ok in 1/2 hours time went back to introduce the stars to the tank ,put them in and noted buster the lobster was out on the rocks thought he'd molted nope him sick then looked further to find the beauty dead saw a clown and rescuedhim scooped out all of the inverts I could see drained tank to a lower level so I could get more out quickly saved the other clown fis lots manderine pseudo chromis and several inverts but then had an awful reaction a mini halucinatio, a few seconds long (nope not on drugs or psychotic) after some time of trying to save more inverts started to pass out and awoke on floor several hours later tank fuly drained les maby 1 inch of water l.r. out of water fr several hours can it be saved? has anyoune ever reacted like this ? how do I clean the tank and the inverts that are stillalive are they safe to go to the qt tank? just got home from the ER, thanks


Glad your allright,
Your live rock should be ok if you get it back in saltwater, sometimes before shipping the live rock is set out for hours or sometimes a couple of days before they ship.
Were you wearing gloves, you really need to get some shoulder length ones.


What did the doctors say was wrong? I have never heard of such a thing before. Hope everything works out for you. I know your rock will probably be ok it will have somethings die off, it hasn't been out of water that long. I still have no idea what would cause such a thing. Do you have any enemies? Sounds like something poisoned you and your fish.


yes I'd had on gloves, but they weren't long enough aparently and when I saw my pets dyeing I didn't think x2 about reaching as far as they were to save them (duh) so yes Idid this to myself. :rolleyes:
(I didn't realize I'd posted the same thought twice sorry.) why is my rock grey on the botttom and the sand under it? never noticed it before and there is just this awfu sulpher kind of sick smell through out the house from the sand the sand I'm going to get rid of but what is the best way to save the snails etc if they are alive in the sand? (if) :scared:


oh and how do I get rid of one of these threads as I'd posted the same thought 2x (didn't even remember the first post)


Active Member

Originally posted by shawna
oh and how do I get rid of one of these threads as I'd posted the same thought 2x (didn't even remember the first post)

Go to edit and then at the top it says "delete post", check it then click delete now and your post is deleted, if its the first post in a thread then the thread will be deleted.


You didn't post twice, I copied the thread to the reef forum for better coverage if someone had something to say that might be of use.
That sulfer smell suggests that you might not have had a healthy sandbed or you desturbed the anoxic areas of the sandbed, was it a DSB?
Some so called experts say that stuff will rarely be deadly, some of us believe differently and your case is part of the proof.
The bacteria that covert nitrates to nitrogen will look black, if you see any of that then you broke into one of those anerobic areas. Lifting a rock that is burried in a DSB can do this and will produce that horrible sulfide smell.


well that would be it then I was taking it out & tossing it into a bucket or the sink where ever I could to get to the critters. it was awful I watched the pink purple pseudochromis swim by fine then die immediately in just seconds! god I thought getting the sand bed would be a good thing even ordered 2 seperate batches of live sand etc but I did see the grey on top first, then when I went to remove a dead creature that buried and died (big big snail ) so that might have bien the beginning of the end I saw him yesterday morning and so I thought "that's where the ammonia spike came from" then sent the lil fishies to the great big ocean in the sky

if thre are any critters still alive is it safe to toss them in the no longer a q.t. tank or should I isolate them further? or is it a mute point to sift through the grave site that used to be my pretty lil fish tank?


Active Member
As the safety guy where I used to work I dealt with exposures to different things. Rotting things and a sulfur smell (rotten eggs) leads me to think of hydrogen sulfide, H2S. I think you may have gotten hit with a dose of that. Will explain later, but kind of worried about you now, especially if you went back to work on your tank. Can you post here so that I know you are all right, then we can talk more about my theory.


also i know ppl that have alergic reactions to certain anenomes.......that could of been the culprit...but do you think you would of passed out from that???? it could of been the sulfur.......


readin the thread it seems that the sulfur could of been more likely it.....i have had anenomes die lots of times and never had an entire tank killed from i think the sulfur could of killed the tank also.....specially from the psuedocromis dieing in a few seconds...tehy are hardy fish...


A 90 gal tank is pretty big... for all that to happen so quickly... I would think that for a pungent sulfer smell you would have to have a dead tuna in there and the ammonia would be screaming. I hope your feeling OK now and I'm sorry about your tank... I know that helpless feeling.


guys, shawna needs help not for her post to get locked, and where in the world is msd when you need him



Originally posted by New2u
guys, shawna needs help not for her post to get locked, and where in the world is msd when you need him

Agreed, and I cleaned the thread of unnecessary comments. We don't need knit picking like this. I think though that she stated that she was simply getting out of the hobby and selling her equimpent.
I also share the feeling that she is ok.