oh gosh I did water changes and all the get your tank healthy stuff was showing c contractor my favorite fish and all looke ok in 1/2 hours time went back to introduce the stars to the tank ,put them in and noted buster the lobster was out on the rocks thought he'd molted nope him sick then looked further to find the beauty dead saw a clown and rescuedhim scooped out all of the inverts I could see drained tank to a lower level so I could get more out quickly saved the other clown fis lots manderine pseudo chromis and several inverts but then had an awful reaction a mini halucinatio, a few seconds long (nope not on drugs or psychotic) after some time of trying to save more inverts started to pass out and awoke on floor several hours later tank fuly drained les maby 1 inch of water l.r. out of water fr several hours can it be saved? has anyoune ever reacted like this ? how do I clean the tank and the inverts that are stillalive are they safe to go to the qt tank? just got home from the ER, thanks