anemonie qustion????


I have two small anemones that I just got two days ago but when I took them out of the bag into the tank they were ok "after I did all the process of adapting them" now they are close they don't move if I touch them they seem to be attached to the rock I moved one and it looked dead but when I check on it again it was attached to the rock again! sometimes they seem to be alive but it could me my frustration or the water from the power head, any advice??? all my test are ok!!


thank you all for the info I think they are alive but they aren't happy with the lights!!! and the other one is under a rock "like a small cave in my live rock" is this normal I heard from you guys they need light or it's a goner if it doesn't move

big ed

New Member
What kind of anemone? I bought a bubble tip and it proceeded to crawl under a rock out of light and current for about 10 days, then crawled up the side of the rock to it's "happy place" and has stayed there ever since.