

Do anemonies have babies? we have live rock that looks like baby anemonies our on it. They are about 1/4 inch big. They are the same color as our anemonies, and when you touch them they shrink,for a couple of seconds and then open back up. <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


They are brown and have little tiny tubes with white tips. And what are ant whatever you said they were?


Active Member
They may be this type of rock anenome. This site sells them so go to pic of them and you can see if that is them. To answer your questiosn they do have babies or reproduce by splitting.


I would like to know that too I have a purple tip seabae its about two years old now when i bought it, it was the size of a soft ball. Now its the size of a basket ball if you cut it inhalf. I feed it alot and have noticed new tenticles starting to grow from it but it has not budded.