Anenome + 2 clarkii clowns


I ahve a 28 gallon with a anenome and 2 clarkii clowns. One was about 3 inches when i introduced the smaller one. Now the large one is appx 3.5 inches and the smaller one is about 2 inches maybe 2.5 . I also have a SMALL hippo tang that will be leaving the tank once my gf's 58 gallon is complete cycling. The tang has no effect on the two others.
My question is the larger clown wont let the smaller one anywhere near the anenome. Im guessing the larger one is still male as its tail is still yellow ( I have heard female clarks are white tails.) both clowns still look the same. The larger clown does no damage to the smaller one but only chases it into submission. Will they ever get along? When I clean the tank the smaller one sits near the anenome and the larger seems to allow it to. I dont think i need to move the smaller one because the larger one doesnt do any damage to it. What should i do?