Anenome behind rocks...


Ok so I got an anenome for my clownfish which they started hosting within 4 hrs! YAY! But then the anenome moved behind my rocks so now I cant see it unless i look through the side. Will it ever come out? The clownfish still try and squeeze back there to it but they cant sit in it like they did at first. What should I do?


Active Member
Leave it be, especially if its new to your tank and being hosted on. Getting introduced to your tank is stressful enough to an anenome. Its not uncommon for them to reseed into your LR for safty shelter and comfort. Being that it was also immediatly harassed by your clowns only added to the stress at the time. Once it gets acclimated on its own schedule it will show up again. Offer it food regularly and keep an eye on it for any increased signs of stress.