Anenome Coral


I have a 12 gal Nano tank that I would like to have an anenome host a percula clownfish. Any recommendations?


research research research.
whats light? how longs the tank been set up?
i think a 12 is a lil small but others should pop in who know more
oh and nems arent corals :)


Active Member
As I found out, Bang Guy's signiture is 'If you don't know how to spell "Anemone" you haven't done enough research to keep one.'
So make sure to research it a lot. Putting a nem in a 12 gallon isn't recommended really...I personally think that you should get a coral to host the percula...a coral that is a lot easier to care for than a nem. This can work too. Frogspawn would be my choice, but there is more than one type that people have had success with. Just research it. I'm sure there are already a lot of threads here. Good Luck man.