Anenome: Dangerous To Livestock?


I was debating whether to buy a BTA for my percula clownfish pair.
I had originally decided to get a frogspawn, because my LFS has an awesome tank where the clowns live in them, and it looks really neat. But, due to a lighting setback (light went out during a business trip) the frogspawn has shrunk from the size of a softball to 3 seperate heads the size of walnuts. I suspect it will take another year to again get big enough for a clownfish to stay inside. Hence, the idea of getting an anenome, since I'm not that patient.
I'm concerned about a BTA attacking fish, inverts, corals. I have no experience with anenomes at all. Can anyone give me some insight? I also have zoos, urchins, crabs, shrimp.


a bta is a good choice, im looking for a nicely colored one myself currently, it should be very peaceful, i wouldnt worry about it harming anything


Active Member
What kind of lights do you have? It's anemone, not anenome.
Make sure to research quite a bit, they're a hard animal to keep. Anemones will harm other corals if they are put too close. Most people recommend getting the anemone first and putting other corals around them. The anemone will move and destroy everything in it's path. How big is your tank?


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
What kind of lights do you have? It's anemone, not anenome.
Make sure to research quite a bit, they're a hard animal to keep. Anemones will harm other corals if they are put too close. Most people recommend getting the anemone first and putting other corals around them. The anemone will move and destroy everything in it's path. How big is your tank?
I have a 72gal with another 10gal or so in the sump, and I'm trying to figure out how to add a 15gal refugium into the circuit, to put some macroalgaes (and a mean damsel) into. I changed my lighting from 4x65W PCs to 4x55w T5s (reflector countours each bulb). I think the PCs worked better, but my wife insists the T5s are much brighter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaxSmart
I have a 72gal with another 10gal or so in the sump, and I'm trying to figure out how to add a 15gal refugium into the circuit, to put some macroalgaes (and a mean damsel) into. I changed my lighting from 4x65W PCs to 4x55w T5s (reflector countours each bulb). I think the PCs worked better, but my wife insists the T5s are much brighter.
The PCs had a higher wattage, but getting the T5s was probably a good idea. The intensity is better and it seems that these lights would be fine for a BTA.
What corals do you have? By adding an anemone, chances are it won't like where you put it and it will start to move around and create a path of destruction. If your tank is FULL of corals, it will make this quite a bit harder. You can add one, don't let this stop you, just be careful and be ready to move corals if the anemone gets too close.
Again, research them some, there are a lot of good informative articles and books out there

I just watched the new Get Smart yesterday. I liked it.


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
The PCs had a higher wattage, but getting the T5s was probably a good idea. The intensity is better and it seems that these lights would be fine for a BTA.
What corals do you have? By adding an anemone, chances are it won't like where you put it and it will start to move around and create a path of destruction. If your tank is FULL of corals, it will make this quite a bit harder. You can add one, don't let this stop you, just be careful and be ready to move corals if the anemone gets too close.
I have a frogspawn, which is split into 2 parts (which I think I can call "living" and "dead")
I had some pretty zoos but the urchins kept moving them and now they're lost, I suspect buried in the sand. I tore the tank apart (to remove a damsel) and didn't find the zoos.
I've also got tons of hitchiker corals - one's a carpet-like stony growth that feels like sandpaper. There are tons of these BRIGHT purple, stony, tiny, branching growths. There is also a small patch of scale-like stony growth, looks like tiny white zoos, but hard.
Perhaps I should skip on the anemone if it will destroy corals? The frogspawn made a much cooler nest for the clowns anyway - I just hate to wait another year for it to grow big again.
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego

I just watched the new Get Smart yesterday. I liked it.
They got 99 completely wrong - on the original show she was smart but blinded by love to the fact that Max was a bufoon. She looked up to Max. In the movie she's the senior agent and is really nasty to him. Other than that, I liked it too.