Anenome death


I purchased a condi anenome and have never had one in my tank before. My question is this. If it should die in my tank (of course hoping it does well) what do I do? I am nervous about it because at times it gets completely deflated and looks awful, then a bit later it is back to normal.
Thanks for any info!
Oh, and how can I tell it is dying, or dead?


Especially when new to a tank the inflating and deflating is very normal. It will still do something like this in the diurnal cycle = light to dark.
When death comes to an anemone many things can happen, but commonly it will look like melted ice cream, fall apart, or the insides will start coming out. You should handle an anemone as little as possible but if you suspect death occurance then if you can lift it out of the water then it should have a fairly bad smell..