Anenome Dieing?


I think my anenome may be in trouble. I've had it for about 3 weeks, and it has been the best looking one in my tank. Im not sure exactly what kind it is, but it has medium length tentacles, and is pinkish, with bright pink tips. Always very full, and my maroon clown seems to feed it more than he eats himself. This morning when I turned on the lights, he was shriveled up, with only a few tentacles inflated. Then it perked up and looked like it was gonna be ok. 10 minutes later, it shrunk back down, and looked like it was trying to move. Is it dieing? Moving? Should I get it out before it polutes the tank? It seemed so healthy just last night. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

got krabs

i don't think that you should remove it until your sure it is dead, which i'm willing to betthat its not dieing :confused:

mr . salty

Active Member
It is most likly just expelling the water and food waste it has inside it.Keep an eye on it.If it dies,there will be no doubt.They shrink up into a VERY SMALL blob of goo.If it still has it's color and sting,it should be fine.Check for sting by slowly touching it with your finger.It's tenticals should feel stickey.It should also cringe or jerk back when you touch it.
If I had a dime for every time I thought my anemone was sick or dead I could pay cash for the new tank Im making payments on. One day its full and 11inches wide another day it looks like something deflated it then by nightfall or next morning so relax and keep a close eye on it before you throw out a live creature.......
just my 2cents good luck with your tank :D


Hey, guys thanks for the info. I'd have to say your right, I came home tonight, and wa la, its all full and looking good :D I fear that I may have prematureley disposed of a carpet anenome I got about a month ago. It too had shrunk up, but it looked really bad. Its mouth was exposed and huge, and a ball of goo fell off of it when I pulled it out of the tank. Its body, the big pink part looked ok, but... Well, thanks again everyone. :)


you wouldn't be the first to throw out a good anenome. I almost felt sick after I found out I did it.
The more you read the more you'll find out that no one is perfect and that there is no one certain way for anything in this Hobby. What may work great for one person turns into disaster for another, this is just my opinon though since I too am very new to this hobby. Good luck with your tank and enjoy the hobby...... :D