Originally Posted by Thomas712
What type of anemone are we talking about?
Try to post the pic anyway?
What if anything is sticking out of the anemone, or leaking from it?
Sounds like some kind of trama/stress from possibly a preditor attack, any peppermint shrimp or other animals that might have caused this?
I'll be at work until midnight tonight so I might not be able to help again till around that time.
I'll get a pic as soon as possible and hope it comes out OK. Might be kind of hard since the anenome is wedgeing itself upside down in my rockwork. It is a long-tip, and has been doing great in my tank for about 6-8 months.
The part that is sticking out looks kind of like intestines...really stringy and tightly waved. It almost looks like the tentacles of a jellyfish, yet not hanging in strings...just kind of bunched together. There are actually bunches of it, and if one didn't know any better and only saw a pic of the stuff hanging out they would swear it is some type of coral. It is very odd, and I wish I knew what is going on.
As far as predators or things that would cause it stress, I do have a sally lightfoot crab in there, but they have been living in harmony ever since I got the anenome. The only time the sally even messes with the anenome is during feeding time when it tries to steal the food by hanging over the anenome and grabbing for it. Other times it appears not to give the anenome a second thought. The other stresser could be the anenome crab I have. This is one of those crabs that hangs out on top of the anenome and filters particles out of the water. I didn't think it would fight the anenome for it's food, but it did until I tried to seperate him at feeding time and accidentally pulled off a claw!
Anyway, there is the story. I'll get a pic when I can, and hopefully I can considering the position of the anenome.