Anenome Down Help!!


This is how my anenome has been for the last 12 hrs its facing down, when i first put in the tank i placed it over a rock and fell down and then got in this position, u guys know why??


i dont know which post you check more frequently so ill post here too. sw livestock is like people, some have different tastes maybe he just doesnt like LR, id flip him over and enjoy his beauty on the sand :D


First of all how did you acclimate it?
Second what are you paramiters including ph, temp, alk, cal.?
third - what type of anemone are we talking about ? Could it be a substrate loving anemone? :D
forth- what type of lighting do you have?
fifth - you know white means its not healthy right?


i got all my parameters right, lighting is right too.
Isint this anenome suppose to be white in color?? or is it white cuz its sick?? WHAT??


If you see a white Anemone then steer clear, white anemonies have suffered bleaching and are likely unhealthy.
What is anemone ‘bleaching’?
All healthy anemones have a population of zooxanthellae in their body tissues that helps provide nutrients to the host anemone. This algae population is brown in color, and all healthy anemones will have an underlying color tone of light to dark brown depending upon the intensity of lighting under which they are kept, and the size of their zooxanthellae population. In cases of stress or poor water conditions, the zooxanthellae population in an anemone can die or be expelled. This condition is called “bleaching” since a healthy, dark colored anemone can become light and pale overnight. Bleached anemones are white or translucent in color, and lack the noticeable brown undercoloring of healthy anemones. The lack of zooxanthellae puts an anemone at significant health risk, since it no longer has a substantial source of nutrients. However, even badly stressed and bleached anemones can recover if placed in a stable, healthy environment. Daily feedings and appropriate light conditions will help the animal to rebuild its zooxanthellae population and reacquire its normal tan/brownish color over time. This process may take a while – three months is not unusual.


This looks as if this is a carnation anemone. A little different coloration than what I have but it looks the same. Mine did the same thing when I first got mine so I wedged him up on a large rock where he could grab hold and then move to where he wanted to. They just grab a hold quickly I believe. They are not to sticky. He has been fine since. Hope I could help you out.


Active Member

Originally posted by elchoryla
i got all my parameters right, lighting is right too.
Isint this anenome suppose to be white in color?? or is it white cuz its sick?? WHAT??

What kind of lighting and how many watts?


New Member
You know what i am tired of idiotic people coming on these forums where people really are actually looking for real info that is going to help them and now we have some retard saying that anenomes are supposed to be tan or brown where that is where you are wrong
there are brown one tan ones purple ones green ones fluorescent ones white ones like the seabea is white with blue tips and the condy is also whit with blue tips and the long tentacle which can also have a couple of colors which include white you are a moron for saying that a white anenome is sick and will die do us a favor and dont waste space that someone else with something worth reading could use alright so agina please all mentally challenged people dont put your thoughts here thank u


Active Member
Originally Posted by moosereefer
You know what i am tired of idiotic people coming on these forums where people really are actually looking for real info that is going to help them and now we have some retard saying that anenomes are supposed to be tan or brown where that is where you are wrong
there are brown one tan ones purple ones green ones fluorescent ones white ones like the seabea is white with blue tips and the condy is also whit with blue tips and the long tentacle which can also have a couple of colors which include white you are a moron for saying that a white anenome is sick and will die do us a favor and dont waste space that someone else with something worth reading could use alright so agina please all mentally challenged people dont put your thoughts here thank u

you know what makes me laugh? people who flame people who post things 2 years ago.


Ah attacked by an instigator, guess I'll just quit the board in utter shame!

Interestingly this poster didn't bring any facts or arguments to the debate. For those who wonder they have only to look up zooxanthellae to see what color they are.
This however does not include fluorescent proteins.
When most people on this board talk about anemones they are speaking about the ones that will allow hosting by a clown fish. There are plenty of colors of anemones including white where the sun doens't shine, and reasons why they are that color.
Yawn, I'm board now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
you know what makes me laugh? people who flame people who post things 2 years ago.
awesome, talk about trolling for an argument wow


New Member
regardless if it was 2 years ago 3 minutes ago or

50 years ago bad info is bad info and unless you have good info keep your mouth shut dont speak until spoken to bitch!