Anenome food

well just got a few q's. I am looking to getting an anenome and i would like to know what kind of food or water additive that i will need to have in place for this. i have been in f/o awhile and i think that i want to try this. any help would be great. thanks :cool:


Active Member
How long has your tank been setup for? Anemones need an established tank to do well. Also you will need really good water quality. For food you can feed them brine shrimp, I don't know to much about feeding so maybe somebody else can help you with that.
Also before you get an anemone research a lot first. A lot of people buy anemones without knowing much about them, so before you buy research a lot about them.

ed r

Read up on the anemonees that interest you before buying any. Most require very good lighting and water conditions in an established tank. Feeding is necessary despite the fact that healthy anemonees contain algae that supplied nutrients to them under the intense lighting they need. Feeding is more likely to be with food larger than brine shrimp. Silversides and mysis are pretty commonly used 1-2 times a week. Please don't get one until you are ready to provide good conditions. They often seem to do well for a while, but are actually struggling. They then begin to slowly decline and die. Good luck.