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What kind of anenome can you put in a 12 gal Aquapod with stock lighting? I would like to get a pair of Clowns. Or maybe what clowns can do without an anenome? Sorry I am a newbie.
Noobs need not apologize, I applaude your concern to ask before you act as a lot of new hobbiest do not.
Any and all clown fish / anemone fish can do with out an anemone. They do not need one to survive thrive and be happy.
In a 12 gal aquapod my answer is none... for many reasons, the 2 biggest and foremost are, your tank is much to small for any type of anemone. And your lighting is sub par to sustain the health of one.
There are a few other species of inverts that may be better suited for your tank and are of the Cnidaria family but none will host a clown fish.
Welcome... to the boards..