anenome for 20 long


Active Member
i need an anenome that can live in a 20 long (30x12x12)in. and host occellaris. also for breeding clowns what is the min. tank size and do they NEED an anenome for breeding
:help: :help: :help:


Active Member
You know that anemones have certain specific requirements right? I think you can try something small if you have the correct lighting and have good water quality.


Active Member
OK, a 20 is too small to keep an anemone in. They require pristine water parameters and that is tough, if not impossible, to do in any tank under 30 gallons. You also need a lot of intense lighting and in a small tank like that, it will cause the water temp to be high.
No, you don't need an anemone to breed clowns. Most are bred without one. Get the book Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson, she explains step-by-step how to breed clowns.