Anenome help?


New Member
I am a rather new hobbyist and just recently learned that I may not have sufficient lighting for my bulb anenome. I think it is dead but it is still hanging on to the rock, is this possible if it is dead?


Active Member
Firstly, in the future do research on E V E R Y T H I N G you buy B E F O R E you buy it. You'll find you have really great results that way.
We need to know what lighting you have and what size tank you have and all your current tank levels - temp/salinity/nitrate/nitrites/ammonia/etc etc this are important to help figure out whats going on with your livestock.
On a side note... anemones sometimes look dead.. thats just one of the many strange behaviors anemones have. They often shrivel up into almost nothing and soon after they are full and beautiful again. Before I get too ahead of myself though.. please give us that info and a pic would also be helpful if you can take one.


biggityb ~ Welcome to the board

If it is still hanging on then it is still alive, otherwise it would just have a meltdown and disintegrate.
Like was asked run down your lighting and tank specs for us and the opinions will flow.


New Member
Well when I came home today he was open again.... whheewwww!!!! But I am going to buy a new lighting system tomorrow. I do have a 30 gallon hex tank. Right now I have the regular light that comes with your aquarium. Thanks for the responses guys!