Anenome is Dieing, Clown is Stressed


New Member
Can someone tell me what to do? My BTA got wedged in the lower slits of my overflow. My Maroon Clown was assiting it to get it out. When I awoke this morning half of the BTA was on top of the LR's the other half I found in my sump. I put both pieces on a rock up front so I could monitor its condition throughout the day. One half has pass to the porceilin goddess the other half is almost on its way. My Maroon is really stressed, breathing heavy and laying on it's side on top of his best friend. Trying to heal him. Should I go ahead and flush the other half to relieve Nemo? I am afraid if I don't Nemo might be visiting his friend in fish heaven.


Active Member
The anemone may be releaseing toxins into the water due to the injury. I'd get it out now, do a large waterchange, and run carbon if possible.... the toxins could be killing the clown. :D


New Member
Thanks, Bigarn The last is gone. I have water ready for a change in the morning. All the other fish seem to be just fine. My other clown is doing just fine it was just my female that was stressed. It has now gone to the back and sleeping with his other friend the cleaner shrimp.


Active Member
Glad to hear the inhabitants are doing good. The waterchange will definitely help..... don't forget to run carbon if possible. :D


A word to the wise; avoid anemones. They need superb water quality and they are extreemly difficult to keep, plus they need intense light. Try lps corals; they're much easier to keep, and most do not require a high light source.


New Member
Andretti thanks for the advise. What is the clown going to host, if I don't replace the one I had? If you read the post it was not anything to do with water chemistry or light. It all boiled down to a very curious BTA. That went to the back of the tank to sleep for the night and got his tenticles caught up in the over flow and I wasn't going to pull him apart the clowns did, trying to get it out when the lights came on.


How long did you have the anemone?
Once mine found there spots they just don't seem to move, several of mine have been on the same rock for 4 years, they have built this rock into a colony of BTA's over time.
Is this a HOB overflow?
If so I might have an idea that you could use to help prevent this type of thing again to some extent. I could post the thread about protecting your overflow if you like.


New Member
Thanks Thomas, I have had the BTA for about three weeks the clown for about two months. I guess the BTA had his way, because he had always gone to the back of the tank at night with the other fish. Then as soon as the 440 VHO would come on he made his way back to the same favorite rock or crevise next to that rock. This is the Oceanic 92 corner with built in overflow in the corner. He got caught in the lower slits. I tried the powerhead blowing directly on him to try to divert him away. But, obviously he tried to move the wrong way. Also with the help of his host.