Anenome Killed in powerhead


New Member
I had recently bought a cheap five dollar white anenome at my LFS and the thing got caught up in my powerhead. I was out of town for two days and know my tank is cloudy and merky looking. Is this fatal for my two clowns and my long tenticle anenome and what do i do to clear the water? Water changes? HELP!!!


Active Member
Yes! Major water changes and run carbon asap if you can. Test your levels to see where they're at now. :D


Active Member
25% water change NOW!!!! :eek: :eek:
Get some quality carbon in your filter now as well.
Do 20% water changes every day for a few days as well.


Active Member
if there is fish in it dont do 20% every day... do you know how stressful that is? ... i would say that mabye 10% now and 5- 10 % every other day. and the carbon would be very good. :jumping:


Tank Size:
58 Oceanic
OK on a 58 gallon tank I would do a 20 gallon water change now. As suggested use fresh carbon for 24 hours then replace it for 48 hours then replace that in 72 hours. Run a protien skimmer if you have one. If you can get your hands on a polyfilter then run that in your filter as well.
Get ready for another 20 gallon water change.
Use only RO/DI water, never tap water.
See if you can find a sponge to cover that powerhead, they do make them and sell them at LFS's.
Never purchase a white anemone or add a free white anemone to your tank, white is unhealthy for an anemone. Read the first post in this forum about purchasing a healthy anemone.