anenome not adjusting


since I went to 20x waterflow my sebae anenome has removed in the rocks and refuses to come out at all. I hand fed it tonight and it appear to take the food but it is getting much smaller. Its foot is spread out through about 6 inches of rock but its tentencles are only about 5 inches across wedged between 2 rocks. Color has gone from a brown yellow to pasley yellow and tentacles are very thin. Should I pull him out and take him back to LFS and trade him for a LTA or Carpet which will put up with higher way flow.
All opinions welcome


I really can't say what will happen, going to a 20x turnover rate has made a change, so the anemone may be stressing right now because of that change. It will either adapt to that change or it won't.
Personally I don't favor the 20x rate myself having so many anemones in my tank, they just don't seem to like that fast of rate.
You might experiment, cut back to 15x if you can and see if that makes a difference in how the anemone reacts. Or trade him if that is what you want to do.
As long as you can care for what you put in the tank.