Anenome Not anchoring Itself...


Blue Haddoni Anenome. It apparantly decided yesterday not to anchor itself into the subtrate. It is still as blue as can be (not bleaching or turning white) and it is expands and contracts as normal however it's sitting on it's side. What's up with that? I tried to slight nudge it against to LR to help it anchor but to no avail... has anyone seen this before?


90 Gallon All-Glass, about 1000gph flow, 2X 250W Metal Halide Lights 12K Sunburst Lamps, 100lbs LR, DSB... check out my website (it's a couple of weeks old). Does Haddoni Anenome's Anchor into sand or onto LR? I could move him up the LR if that would help the poor guy out...


Actually, I moved him to the right of the tank since the picture was taken. Ya know.. it just hit me. When he was on the left side of the tank, he was on LR, now he's on sand and he can't get a hold. I'll place him on LR tonight and turn down the flow in order to help him adjust and anchor.
The flow is provided by a Velocity T4 pump in my sump which pumps out the water via a spray bar made from modular piping with ball valves so I can control both velocity and direction of the water. I also have 2 Rio 400 and 2 MaxiJet 2100 in the tank. The two Maxijet are randomly controlled via a timer when the lights are on.