Anenome not looking good


Need some help here, my green bubble tip has looked great for 2 months, since I got him, He now is deflated and sags over the rock onto the ground. My lighting in 4 96 watts pcs, and water chem:
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
nitrate 10
ph 8.2
alk 2.5
calcium 500
125 gal
The nemos are sad and try to push into him but now just stare. Is it to late, are my lights to small? I am trying to figure out the best upgrade for my lighting, but am lost in all the options. I use 2 part buffer for water but am told it does help get my alk up. I started to use straight baking soda and it brings it right up to 4.5.
Am I doing things right? Thanks for the help


Your alkalinity as posted at 2.5 is low. If you raised it to 4.5 then I would like to know just how fast you did this. Such a rapid change can affect your fish and corals. This could be a cause of stress for your BTA.


I raised it over about 4 days. Everything look sgreat but anemome. All the other corals have been fine fish are fine. The anemone was looking bad before the alk raising. I learned to try baking soda to get it up higher. I raised to 4.5 in the 55 gal garbage can I use for water changes and then did several slow water changes. I can't get the anemone to take food. He will curl up around it and my hand but not take it. Thanks for helping me out, I really appreciate it.


Perhaps there was also a pH change when you did this. Anemones seem to be sensitive to pH changes.
Try feeding the anemone when the lights have been off for an hour or so, don't let it touch your hand, just the food. See if he will take it then.


He seemed a little better last night at leasdt not deflated and moved alittle. His tenticles apear smaller and less in number. I have read that the clowns can harass an anemone to death. I have 4 nemos and the 2 big ones are in him a lot.