anenome or coral as clownfish host


i have a mated pair of saddleback clowns and want either an anenome or a coral as a host for them, at first i was anenome all the way but after hearing horror stories about life expectancy and just not wanting to waste my money on something that wil die in a month or so im leaning towards coral, is there another type of coral besides a frogspawn taht would work well possibly something brighter and prettier,
i have 2 96 watt pcs on my 55g


Active Member
In my Soft & LPS tank my Yellow Banded Clown Actually perfers a hairy mushroom over the frogspawn in that tank. Although my frogspawn has grown quite big the Clown never gives it a second glance but he loves his hairy mushroom!
we have a maroon clown and he wont even look at our frogspawn either, but when it comes to hosts for clowns it can take upto a yr for a clown to even pick something to host in. so bout all you can do is get a couple things if you really want them to host and just hope for the best. somethings ive heard of them hosting in are toadstool mushrooms (you can get a bright yellow one for color), frog spawn, hairy shrooms, branching hammer, long tent. plate corol, i think even a short tent. plate corol. and im sure there are alot more, but to save money i would start with some shrooms and maybe a plate corol, they would do fine under your PC's. HTH