Anenome, Outside-Inside for 2 days-UCK!


New Member
I have a Florida Condi Anenome, I've had it for about two weeks now and for the last couple of days, it looks like it is laying tenticles down with it's stomach on it's outside, it looks like it might have moved unless the fish or current moved it. Is this normal? Is it dead?
Please help/advise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tabbysp
I have a Florida Condi Anenome, I've had it for about two weeks now and for the last couple of days, it looks like it is laying tenticles down with it's stomach on it's outside, it looks like it might have moved unless the fish or current moved it. Is this normal? Is it dead?
Please help/advise.
If it is expelling its insides it is dying or it is dead. This is not normal and sounds like a very stressed and sick anemone. Take it out and smell it, you will know right away if it is dead. And have plenty of water on hand for multiple changes if it has indeed died.


New Member
Ewww uck that stunk very much, how much water should I change, and I have a bubble anenome should I worry about it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tabbysp
Ewww uck that stunk very much, how much water should I change, and I have a bubble anenome should I worry about it?
Yes you should, check your water perameters, you can do a 50% or more if you need to on your water change.


yeah if he stunk he already started rotting in the tank, thus an ammonia spike. Your bubble will not respond well to ammonia.
I agree with PD, if you have the water ready and its temp matches your tank then do a 50% change.
Good luck.
How big is your tank? I hope its not a 180, cause then I prolly wouldn't do a WHOLE 50%, LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
yeah if he stunk he already started rotting in the tank, thus an ammonia spike. Your bubble will not respond well to ammonia.
I agree with PD, if you have the water ready and its temp matches your tank then do a 50% change.
Good luck.
How big is your tank? I hope its not a 180, cause then I prolly wouldn't do a WHOLE 50%, LOL
LOL true... prob take a whole day...and approx 2.25 40 gal tubs filled heated and matched salinity. But then again unless the anemone was 20" across you prob wouldnt notice a spike in much in a tank that size...