anenome pics


Here's my rose bta and the back end of the clarkii clown that it hosts. The pics a little grainy because it was originally part of a pic of the entire tank.


My pics never look as good as yours, Melody. I can't compliment you enough!! But here's Mandy (Maroon clown) in her Pink-Tip Hatian Anenome! Just took it 2 hours ago!


Active Member
why do ur clowns go in ur anenomes and mine dont!!! i have a flase perc and a clarkii wiht a florida condy and they just wont host it!!! Its been 2 months now.


I kinda had to FORCE Mandy to host it. I rearranged the aquarium once, made her a home with a nice hidden hole where I knew she would go, and let it sit that way for a week or two. Sure enough, Mandy went there. Then, one night, I moved the Anenome there, and Mandy stuck around the same spot, inching herself into the Anenome. Now, she won't leave it for anything. It took a good month and a half to her her to host it, but it's well worth it.
Melody, I am taking your advice. I used to feed it every 3-4 days, but now I will feed it every day or two. :D Thanx. Attached it the feeding pic. It doesn't look nearly as cool in the pic, it actually looks kinda gross. :rolleyes: But it cool to see the mouth come out! It's just funny to see Mandy helping the anenome eat! She would grab the ball of food, and then spit it closer to the moouth! It's weird how they know how to do that! Mandy's such a good Mommy!! :D


here my actinia equina eating my tomato clown... jk actually here my clown is hosting in my actinia equina but tomato is a bit big for the anemone