anenome POLL


Active Member
I have been reading a lot on the different thoughts and ideas of keeping anemones I'm curious to hear about success stories on long term keeping. Please post your anemone experience . for future reading of fellow keepers please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge (cut copy and paste questions then answer below each in your reply
#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anemones
#2.what type of anemone do you keep
#3 how long have you kept this /these anemones
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anemone
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anemone
#6 do you still have this anemone
#7 what do you feed your anemone and how often
#8 do you keep more than 1 species of anemone in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?
#9 how many anemones have you lost
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anemone on a scale of 1-5 in comparison to wild anemones you have seen photos of . 5 being the best
id like to add one more question some already have stated the answer .
#11 what size tank is your anenome/anenomes kept in


Active Member
#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anenomes
13 months
#2.what type of anenome do you keep
#3 how long have you kept this /these anenomes
11 months
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anenome
11 months
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anenome
MH and VHO
#6 do you still have this anenome
#7 what do you feed yor anenome and how often
cyclopeseze daily and small and chopped meaty food 2-3 times per week
#8 do you keeep more than 1 species of anenome in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?no
#9 how many anenomes have you lost
3 others I tried to keep under VHO lighting or along with sebae,species being LTA, BTA
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anenome on a scale of 1-5 incomparison to wild anenomes you have seen photos of . 5 being the best
2 but getting better


Active Member
#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anenomes
1 month
#2.what type of anenome do you keep
#3 how long have you kept this /these anenomes
1 month
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anenome
1 month
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anenome
PCs 10k and actinic
#6 do you still have this anenome
#7 what do you feed yor anenome and how often
small meaty food 2-3 times per week
#8 do you keeep more than 1 species of anenome in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?
#9 how many anenomes have you lost
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anenome on a scale of 1-5 incomparison to wild anenomes you have seen photos of . 5 being the best
3 but getting better


#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anemones
5 and 1/2 years with BTA's, tried condylactis before that.
#2.what type of anemone do you keep
Bubble Tip Anemone
#3 how long have you kept this /these anemones
5 and 1/2 years
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anemone
5 and 1/2 years
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anemone
I started with 80 watts of NO lighting, then went to 360 watts of VHO, then upgraded to 940 watts. 440 VHO + 500 MH.
#6 do you still have this anemone
#7 what do you feed your anemone and how often
Only feed sometimes. Perhaps once in two months, sometimes once a month. I have used mysis shrimp, large plankton, cyclop eeze, chopped shrimp, krill
#8 do you keep more than 1 species of anemone in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?
At one time I have kept only one type of hosting anemone but have also had ~ jewel anemones, rock/flower anemones.
#9 how many anemones have you lost
2, both were condylactis anemones before I knew any better.
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anemone on a scale of 1-5 in comparison to wild anemones you have seen photos of . 5 being the best
I guess for this question I've seen plenty of differences between my anemones from 1-5. They have there off days, then if I don't keep up on water changes you can tell from looking at them, of course they want to be fed more often as well. My bubble tips anemones are in colonies and one will have bubble tips and the one next to it will have long dark green tentacles, then there will be one that almost looks bleached one day and dark the next.. Its been interesting to watch. In general I'd give them the middle of the road in looks and appearance.


Active Member
#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anenomes
7 months
#2.what type of anenome do you keep
small carpet, and this pink tip anemone (dosent get bigger than 1 inch, i think it might be a majano but it looks kool)
#3 how long have you kept this /these anenomes
7 months/3 months
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anenome
7 months
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anenome
260 watts of PC over a 55 (DO NOT TRY WITH REGULAR ANEMONES!!)
#6 do you still have this anenome
yes both
#7 what do you feed yor anenome and how often
#8 do you keeep more than 1 species of anenome in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?
yes, 3 months, yes
#9 how many anenomes have you lost
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anenome on a scale of 1-5 incomparison to wild anenomes you have seen photos of . 5 being the best


Active Member
1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anemones
2 years
#2.what type of anemone do you keep
Rock/Flower Anemone
#3 how long have you kept this /these anemones
2 years
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anemone
2 years
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anemone
440 Watts of VHO on my 55gal
#6 do you still have this anemone
#7 what do you feed your anemone and how often
No supplemental feeding, I assume it does eat mysis(I have a fairly large population in my tank and fuge.
#8 do you keep more than 1 species of anemone in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?
I would not host 2 species in a single tank, especially in a 55
#9 how many anemones have you lost
1 Sebae when I started in the hobby
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anemone on a scale of 1-5 in comparison to wild anemones you have seen photos of . 5 being the best


#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anemones
1 year.
#2.what type of anemone do you keep
Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
#3 how long have you kept this /these anemones
1 year
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anemone
1 year
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anemone
#6 do you still have this anemone
#7 what do you feed your anemone and how often
Only feed sometimes. The tank gets blender mush, sometimes the BTAs snag some of that. Sometimes I feed pieces of cocktail shrimp or scallop.
#8 do you keep more than 1 species of anemone in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?
Just keep the one species
#9 how many anemones have you lost
1, my anemone split into 3 clones last summer. I lost one about 2 months ago, I believe to a powerhead.
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anemone on a scale of 1-5 in comparison to wild anemones you have seen photos of . 5 being the best
This is hard for me to judge. My Roses are very pink, not the deep reddish color I see sometimes. I'm not sure if it's an indicator of health or if I just have a different variant of RBTA. So far, mine are staying pretty small as well. If I need to give a number, I'd say a 2 or 3, but I'm partial to pink


Active Member
#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anemones....5 yrs
#2.what type of anemone do you keep........LTA, BTA
#3 how long have you kept this /these anemones.......5 yrs
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anemone.......5 yrs
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anemone........MH
#6 do you still have this anemone.......yes, both
#7 what do you feed your anemone and how often.......meaty seafood, push a little into them everyday when I feed my fish and spot them krill once a week
#8 do you keep more than 1 species of anemone in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?........yes, both, yes
#9 how many anemones have you lost.....1 condy my first year in the hobby
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anemone on a scale of 1-5 in comparison to wild anemones you have seen photos of . 5 being the best.....LTA 4, BTA 5
BTW, should be on the list, 1 year in a 120g, 2,3,4 year in a 180g and 5 in a 150g and always with the same maited pair of Cinn. Clowns


#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anemones
I have had one anemone for 3 months and the other for 4 months
#2.what type of anemone do you keep
The first one was sold to me as a Singerpore BTA, the other is a RBTA
#3 how long have you kept this /these anemones
I have both anemone
#4 whats the longest you have kept an anemone
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anemone
MH two 150 and VHO
#6 do you still have this anemone
#7 what do you feed your anemone and how often
I feed once a week squid
#8 do you keep more than 1 species of anemone in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?
#9 how many anemones have you lost
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anemone on a scale of 1-5 in comparison to wild anemones you have seen photos of . 5 being the best
Because I am new at the hole saltwater hobby I will let you all take a look at my anemoe and you be the judge on how well I am doing. I don't have the carpet anemone any more, he would not eat for me. I took him back to the store.


Active Member
these are great replies people
keep up the posting here I think its gives a great deal of information to success and some thought of why we have failed in the past to have so many success stories now 5 1/2 yrs is so far the longest recorded for this thread so far for keeping one anenomes alive
to you all


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Do you think this BTA is artificially colored?
hard to say because actinic and moonlights give more of a glow than normal daylight bulbs do but concidering the foot is a creamy brown coloring.i would not think it was a dyed anenome but then again i have never seen one dyed before up that close.and your getting multiple colorings from the lights not one solid still say no with factors in mind