Active Member
I have been reading a lot on the different thoughts and ideas of keeping anemones I'm curious to hear about success stories on long term keeping. Please post your anemone experience . for future reading of fellow keepers please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge (cut copy and paste questions then answer below each in your reply
#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anemones
#2.what type of anemone do you keep
#3 how long have you kept this /these anemones
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anemone
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anemone
#6 do you still have this anemone
#7 what do you feed your anemone and how often
#8 do you keep more than 1 species of anemone in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?
#9 how many anemones have you lost
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anemone on a scale of 1-5 in comparison to wild anemones you have seen photos of . 5 being the best
id like to add one more question some already have stated the answer .
#11 what size tank is your anenome/anenomes kept in
#1 how many yrs/mo have you been keeping anemones
#2.what type of anemone do you keep
#3 how long have you kept this /these anemones
#4 whats tho longest you have kept an anemone
#5 what type of lighting do you use for your anemone
#6 do you still have this anemone
#7 what do you feed your anemone and how often
#8 do you keep more than 1 species of anemone in the same tank if yes .how long together and are both/all still alive?
#9 how many anemones have you lost
#10 rate the health/looks of what you think of your anemone on a scale of 1-5 in comparison to wild anemones you have seen photos of . 5 being the best
id like to add one more question some already have stated the answer .
#11 what size tank is your anenome/anenomes kept in