anenome problems


New Member
goodday everyone, need some help! I have an long tenacle anenome that is really acting like it is all over for him, rather recently within the last day it has shrunk up and almost turned itself inside out, no tenacle are visible and now i have noticed what looks like a busted seam in its side and what appears to be internal parts protruding from it. the general color at the base of the anenome still looks good its still vibrant pink like always, but i'm not sold on it'd health it is not anchored to anything and has been in this state for at least 36 hours now. I have heard that anenomes sometimes split, is this how they do it or is my guy keeling over? help it is my first anenome. did some nitrate test this morning they are 0.3 but more orange then i would like, ph test was also satisfactory. specific gravity 10.22. this morning my water appears to be cloudier than normal. If anyone has some hints or ideas i would really appreciate them thanks


i have one of these as well and mine will do that occastionally where he shrinks up and its mainly when he is moving around the tank. they will shrink and move , just hope its not dead.
i would leave it fora while and see if it comes back. i had the same thing happen and almost through it out , but next morning it was opened and out
good luck


Active Member
I have several concerns.
Did you mean nitrites? Nitrates are not usually reported as 0.3 That level of nitrates would be fine but would be very toxic for an anemone. If you do have detectable nitrites you have a relative emergency as many of your livestock may die. Is this a new tank?
Your specific gravity is a little on the low side. This would be fine for fish but invertebrates tend to do better with the specific gravity up closer to 1.025.
Anemones also require a lot of light. If you do not have specialized lighting they will usually slowly starve.
If the anemone does die it can release a lot of toxins. The first time I did saltwater 17 years ago, I added an anemone. When it died the entire tank died in short order. Another painful lesson learned.
Welcome to!

tru conch

Active Member
if there is a 'tear' and the insides are showing, then your anenmone has most likely died. one sure fire way is to smell it. if the anemone smells rotten, well its def. dead. make sure to remove it as soon as possibel b/c they decay pretty fast. hth.


i would say its dead and would get it out of there b4 its spikes everything and you lose a lot more than just your anemone.