Anenome Question


Why do my Anenome keep "walking" around? The tank is good, their have been no changes. One has gotten caught in the pf twice now. Don't they learn?
This is just puzzling to me. TIA!:notsure:


Well they can move for a couple of reasons that I know.
1. They might need more light
2. There just looking for a good place to settle
3. They might be "walking" away from other corals or anemones (only if you have)
The third one im not sure about, but the first and second one could be possibilities.


How often are you feeding it? Another natural reason for movement would be to try and find a more suitable area where more food is available.


Every two days with phytoplanton, brine and flake. Not enough? Wrong stuff? I try not to depend on my lfs for any guidance, but I wasn't sure when I purchase the Anenome(s).
I have a red buble tip, a very small bubble tip, a purple tip and a pretty big one that stays where he has been since introduxtion to the tank. The rest seem to wander around.
ANY guidance would be GREATLY apperciated.
I just don't want any of the stuck in the ph again.
Anyone know why the clowns stay away from them??


Active Member
I don't think you can do anything to stop anenomes from moving around. you can, however, put sponge pre-filters on your pf so they can't get sucked in. I did this on my power heads when I had a bta that likes to move around. This always did the trick. Only other choice is to take measures to make the tank more anenome friendly, though you'll have to figure out what that would take. Once settled, anenomes usually only move when they aren't happy.


your anemone is looking for.
Better lighting
More or less water current
Better grazing grounds
Less chemical warfare from the other two
Better water, could have a build up of dissolved organics that you don't know about.
Three different anemones in on tank even a 90 gallon is looking for disaster IMO. Now if they were all clones of each other then it might be possible.
Explain lighting and filteration, and water circulation in the tank, powerheads, spraybar, return pump whatever....



Originally posted by Thomas712
your anemone is looking for.
Explain lighting and filteration, and water circulation in the tank, powerheads, spraybar, return pump whatever....

Lighting is compact coral life 10k and acitin. Filteration is Penguin bio wheel at 220 gph, magnum 350, protein skimmer and a 250/gph power head, submerged.
The anenome's all have a place that they hang out, but they seem to like to move around. Even if it is just to the other side of the rock they are on. I have not seen them "fight" with each other. I have seen a couple of them sit together for days like they are visiting and then one will move away and go sit with another. I know they are not being neighborly, but they don't seem to be attacking either. All are very healthy. Just wanderers.
Thanks for any and all advice!!


Not sure what your protien skimmer or canister are putting out but I would have to believe that your 90 gallon tank doesn't have enough turnover rate.
With just the bio wheel and the power head your only turning over 5.22 times per hour, do your canister and protien skimmer make up another 5 times per hour? Then I'd believe you would at least have enough water flow to keep the anemones happy.
So my first guess, and that is all it is, is just a guess, that they are looking for better water flow.
Second thought is that perhaps you don't have enough filtration for a 90 gallon unless you have plenty of liverock and live sand.
Third thought is that I still don't know how many watts your lighting is. Are there any numbers that you remember like 2x65 or something on those PC lights?
This is also assuming that your water is fine, alkalinity and calcium are good as well as the 0-ammonia, 0-nitrites and low nitrates. No heavy DOC's built up.
I'm not trying to burst your bubble or anything just looking for possibilities as to why they might be wandering all the time. For the most part I have 6 BTA's that don't move, a couple of others that move occationally.
rdursch Every two days with phytoplanton, brine and flake. Not enough? Wrong stuff?
I don't put much stock in feeding an anemone phytoplankton, they do use it from the water colum but its nothting that I would squirt into them. Brine isn't very good either if frozen or freeze dried.
I would feed them mysis shrimp, frozen plankton, chopped shrimp or krill, formula 1, just make sure the food is no larger than a pencil eraser. I also use Selcon or Zoecon as a vitamin suppliment on and in there food.


30 total watt output from the lights. Magnum filter is rated 250/gph. Skimmer is rated at 90/gph.
Should be 130 totaol watts.


If you only have 30 watts total lighting then I can tell you for sure that those aneomes are looking for light. They simply do not have enough to survive long term. They are photosynthetic animals and must have strong lights to survive. My lighting is rather week but good enough for BTA's to live, survive and multiply, I have 380 watts of VHO this is at least 4.22 watts per gallon. When I can afford it I will upgrade lighting. 7 of my BTA's have homes in the top half of my tank closest to the lighting, where they seem to get enough.
You have only 0.333 watts per gallon. This will be a death sentence for anemones.
I would imagin that your anemones are slowly getting smaller or are now not near what they should be in regards to size.
My number one answer is that they are looking for light.


Thanks for all of the help Thomas. I have been looking at the MH lighting kits. Just lost my job so I can not afford the pre-built. I think I should be able to do it for under $150.00 given all the resources here and on the web.
What I am thinking is two 250 MH's That should be ok, I think. Should I put them on a dimmer? The sudden burst of light in the am seems a little harsh.