Anenome Smoking !!


I have a rose bubble anenome and it appears as if smoke is coming out of the center of it.
Its in a 12 g nano and when its in full bloom its about 8 -9 inches across. Just did a water change 2 days ago. In tank are 2 false perc. 1 fire shrimp and a green bubble tip which is alot smaller.
What is this ? Will it kill my fish and shrimp ?


Active Member
I could be wrong.. so I wouldn't go on this 100%.. But I think it has something to do w/ reproduction.


I believe it's spawning. I don't know much about it, but just read this the other night.
Try this link. *******


I don't have an explanation for what is happening, but I must say that that is one really cool pic.


I would say sperm is being released. IMO sometimes fish will try to eat it too, if that is in fact what it is, how long have you had it?


i have had that tank and anenome for about 3 years it split once. I have never seen anything like this though. I had fed the fish around 5pm and then around 8 or so i looked and the water was all cloudy i thought my ballast was smoking or something until i got to looking.
I tried to get some pictures looking strait down into the mouth but they didnt turn out real good with the glare fromthe water. There was so much "smoke" you couldnt see the mouth. Everything seems to be fine but im thinking i should do a water change tommorrow.
I also have a 210gl tank with anenomes in it, with the mother anenome splitting around 7 times and have never seen the smoke thing.
I read that article and it sounds like and looks like the same thing just hope it ends up with the same ending, my wife would die if we lost the 2 clowns...