
ny reef

What does everyone feed there Anenome's I was looking for some diffrent foods but it seems to like shrimp...
I feed mine shrimp every other day. Before I started feeding shrimp they ate a few of my damsels. At the LFS they feed silversides. HTH
I feed mine shrimp, squid, silversides, fish and even seems to really enjoy live black worms. I feed the worms with a large syringe and just squirt them above the anenome and it just grabs everything that touches it. HTH


Active Member
I picked up a bag of frozen seafood medley at a local super market. 1lb bag cost me about $4.50. Has a mix of squid, shrimp, muscles, scallops, and something else. So far, my anemone loves it. Before I got the bag of mixed seafood, I used to feed it shrimp and scallop... loved them both.


I feed mine shrimp pellets every other day and occasional piece of salad shrimp i have hade him for 4 months and he is doing fine and getting big.