

I recently changed the direction of my power head to try and get my anenome to move. He did move to the other side of my tank, but now he's closed up. Before he had opened really wide. Do you all think he's ok?!?


Active Member
What kind of anemone is it? What kind of lighting is it under? How long has it been like it?

ed r

Unless the flow was hard enough to injure him, he is probably just annoyed. I assume that this was a brief time when the flow was directed near him. Certainly you should not keep a strong flow aimed at him. Make sure your powerhead intake is covered by sponge or something. Powerheads have probably killed as many anemonees as bad lighting.
I would leave him alone and keep an eye on him. If the conditions in the tank are good, he will be fine. He may decide to move back where he came from though, if the lighting and current are to his liking.