

New Member
I am interested in starting a 55 gallon aquariums and I know that there are closeted anenome lovers hidden among us. I am interested in almost making a garded of small sized with mid size length tentacles so that they will almost sway together. (dreamy) But my biggest concern is that I would like to have a few clownfishes; attempting to breed them (omg!!!) Can any of those hidden anenome lovers tell me which type would be the least costly, most 'friendly' to clowns, and ones that won't move on me!!! Also, can u please describe the lighting I need...


Active Member
I am a huge anemone fan, and as being such I will leave them were they belong...THE OCEAN. We(swf hobbyist) have killed to many(myself included) You sound like you are new so I would double stay away from them. There are several anemone looking corals(mushrooms and such...) It sounds like what you are realy looking for is a nice reef tank filled with soft flowing corals. Easily within reach bro. You want about 5-6 watts of light per gallon(not to hard to achieve on a 55). Do lots, and lots of research on this message board and you will be all right. If you insist on getting anemones only buy propogated from fellow hobbyist. Breeding clowns? I have had no luck, my sabaes tried like hell but It never happened.


Active Member
I love anemone's, and have a nice big BTA myself. I don't feel they are as difficult to care for as is often conveyed. But adequate lighting is a big factor, as is feeding meaty foods, very good water conditions and proper current. If you meet this criteria, keeping them is easy.
I would not, however, try lining them up to form a "garden" of tentacles. Each of those tentacles sting. Your garden will kill itself off, the same as if an anemone moves and brushes against a coral that stings. One or both wil be injured, and can in some cases die.
If that is the effect you want, I agree with broncofish that corals are a better way to go - but I still wouldn't sit them right on top of each other. Remember - they can sting too.


Active Member
I really enjoy the interaction between clowns and anemones. The problem is that people actually know very little about them. There is a lot of speculation, but very little actual knowledge. If you want to pursue this... do as much reading as you can about bubble tip anemones. They are fairly easy to find, one of the hardier species, and very favorable amoung some clowns.