anenomes in the reef


Is it unsafe to have anenomes in your reef tank?? I used to have them but i noticed they sting coral and move around to much. I just started a 58 and i want one (a small one).. any suggestions to type or size...Dave


Bubble tips are good too. Mine settled into its place after a month in the tank. It hasn't moved from that spot since. If you wanted to add corals too, maybe you could add the anemone before corals? I don't know if this appeals to you, cause anemones need a settled tank, and you would then have a very boring tank for a long time.


Anemones are really tough to keep with corals, since they will creep over the top of your corals, and sting some too. If you really want to keep an anemone, consider keeping a tank with one or even several nice anemones and some clownfish. A 58 gallon tank would be a nice anemone tank. Once the anemones settle, you'll have a really cool tank. Anemones need some really good lighing, and I suggest Metal Halide.
Good luck,