anenomes-when to buy one??


New Member
i haveonly just put a couple clownfish in my new sw tank and i was wondering if i could get a anenome for them, my question is should i get a few corals first or could i just buy an anenome-would i need a little experience first before i buy one?? :help:


How long has your tank been setup? What king of lights do you have? What kind of anenome are you thinking of getting? Clowns dont NEED one to survive and be happy mind you but it is cool to have one and watch the clowns host and play around in it.


Active Member
Here is my take on keeping anemones....{no offense meant}
If you have to ask...then you are not ready to keep one.Research lighting needs{most important}.
Anemones need strong lighting and a STABLE tank...that means no less than 6-10 months old.Most anemones in this hobby do not live,so knowing how to care for them first is paramount!!


Greetings marine_nut and welcome to the board

I suggest some quality time spent reading in the Clownfish and Anemone forum, which is where I'm going to move this post.
I'd be happy to also make some suggestions, so if you could tell us something about your tank and maybe answer some questions we'll be happy to point you down the right road mate.
It is usually suggested to add one after the tank has been setup for 6 months.


Active Member
after your cycle u should get it and give a water sample to ur lfs so they can tell u ur levels.


New Member
yeh i thought i would have to have my tank up and running for about 5 months, its only been going for 1, i know that my clowns dont really need one but they are still cool to have. im going to wait a while till i get an anenome and do some more research on them,
thanks for your help guys


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Here is my take on keeping anemones....{no offense meant}
If you have to ask...then you are not ready to keep one.Research lighting needs{most important}.
Anemones need strong lighting and a STABLE tank...that means no less than 6-10 months old.Most anemones in this hobby do not live,so knowing how to care for them first is paramount!!

I had my tank up a month and all 4 of mine are doing great. Its been three months of having them.
I didn't know either but I bought them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
i got my condy my 1st month and it was living for about three months until my puffer ate it.

why would you put a puffer in with an anemonie?


well you may hav dumb luck with your anemones but some wont survive no matter how much you try
i am tell personal experance if they die or dont do well dont blame me
you should have more than 8 watts to a gal of pc or better MH being best
a aged tank i wold say 3 monthes with no spikes in your levels
usually you well make 6 months before maybe even longer
good luck my friend and hav fun