

New Member
I have a 100 gallon fish and live rock tank that I have had for 2 years. For the past 6 months I have been trying to keep anenomes. I buy one aclimate it the way it says and a few days later it starts to die. I have tried this 4 times. I feed them with fozen food and flakes, monitor the salinity (1.024), and the ammonia and nitrates are good. I have a 400 watt metal halide bulb wit h2 sunpac 65 watts lights. Help.....this is getting expenseive!:help:


Active Member

Originally posted by stuckster1
I have a 100 gallon fish and live rock tank that I have had for 2 years. For the past 6 months I have been trying to keep anenomes. I buy one aclimate it the way it says and a few days later it starts to die. I have tried this 4 times. I feed them with fozen food and flakes, monitor the salinity (1.024), and the ammonia and nitrates are good. I have a 400 watt metal halide bulb wit h2 sunpac 65 watts lights. Help.....this is getting expenseive!:help:

how are u aclimating them?
If this is a LFS what are there water parameters there.
Also what kind of anemone are u trying to keep.


:happyfish It could be so many things, please post more info, like your flow, heat, what kind of frozen food, and if you defrost it first, and placement of the anemonie and how long you've been cycled, and what fish, and what shrimp. We all just need more info to help. Thanks


Exactly what type of anemone are you trying to keep?
What is the temp of the water?, PH?, calcium? alkalinity?
What type of filtration methods are you using?